The Vault - Faith Hacker by Dr.Cyril Thomas video DOWNLOAD

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"This looks like real magic I love it!"
Joe Rindfleisch

"Faith hacker just shattered my faith."
Hanson Chien

"I can't wait to learn!"
Bacon Fire

"Beautiful vanish, get it and thank me later"
Danny Urbanus

"Stop playing with these rubber bands, your dinner is getting cold!"

After his best seller Banderaction, Dr. Cyril Thomas is back from the future to hack the boundaries of rubber band magic.

In this innovative project, the Dr. will teach you in depth how to perform the most visual and progressive rubberband vanish and color change ever created.

These two miracles are easy to learn and to perform in real life, they are totally IMPROMPTU and NO GIMMICk is involved.

*** Deus Ex Machina: imagine having the power of progressively erasing a rubber band by smoothly rubbing it with the tip of your fingers...

Lunar Eclipse: and what if your fingertips could also change the color of the rubberband with a gentle caress? Sexy no?

Learn these masterpieces today and become the new faith hacker!

*** Deus Lunar: in this bonus routine, you will learn how to progressively change the color of a rubber band before erasing it in one full sequence.

Download now!